An example usage would be:
from incribo import HistoryTrackerWrapper

# Create a new history tracker with a maximum of 1000 records
tracker = HistoryTrackerWrapper(1000)

# Let's add some records
tracker.add_record(1.0, 0.5)
tracker.add_record(2.0, 0.7)
tracker.add_record(3.0, 0.6)

# Getting the history
history = tracker.get_history()
print(history)  # Output: [(1.0, 0.5), (2.0, 0.7), (3.0, 0.6)]

# Add more records than the maximum
for i in range(1001):
    tracker.add_record(float(i), i / 1000.0)

# Get the history again
history = tracker.get_history()
print(len(history))  # Output: 1000
print(history[0])  # Output: (1.0, 0.001)  # The oldest record after overflow
print(history[-1])  # Output: (1000.0, 1.0)  # The newest record

This component is useful in scenarios where you need to track changes over time, such as monitoring the evolution of embedding values, tracking performance metrics, or maintaining a rolling window of recent data. The fixed-size history ensures that memory usage remains constant even as you continue to add new records.